Tips to Maintain a Refrigerator

If your regular refrigerator maintenance only includes refilling food and drinks from time to time, then you should reconsider your approach. Here are some home refrigerator maintenance steps that you can practice at home: 1. Clean the coil While you may not be able to see the coils, keeping them free of dust, dirt, and pet hair will go a long way in helping your refrigerator run more smoothly and efficiently. The coils are usually located on the bottom of the device or on the back. You may need to remove the grill to access it, but this usually just involves ripping off the plate or removing a few simple screws. Just run a vacuum cleaner or brush over and under the coils and dust off as you walk. Also clean the condenser fan. 2. Maintain temperature Check the temperature in your appliance's refrigerator and freezer regularly. This is important both for food safety and for the refrigerator to work efficiently. The refrigerator compartment should be around 37 to 40 degrees...